The Postal Service is reminding facility managers and others about the federal reporting requirements for storing hazardous and toxic chemicals.
USPS locations that store certain quantities of hazardous and toxic chemicals must complete and submit the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Tier II Form by March 1.
The form must be submitted to the state emergency response commission, local emergency planning committee and local fire department.
The requirement applies to locations that store threshold quantities of the following EPCRA-regulated hazardous and toxic chemicals:
- Lead-acid batteries (500-pound threshold)
- Gasoline, diesel or heating fuel (10,000-pound threshold)
- Ice melt and anti-skid products (10,000-pound threshold)
The Sustainability Blue page has detailed reporting instructions, while the latest issue of Sustainable Facility Update newsletter has an article about the EPCRA requirements.