A young customer in Kenosha, WI, recently used a creative way to show his appreciation for USPS: Lego building blocks.
Mitchell Hoepner, a 12-year-old boy who has autism, enjoys receiving mail from Letter Carrier Michelle Badham so much that he surprised her with a Lego LLV he made himself.
“He had it hanging on the mailbox for me, and so I didn’t open it until I got home,” she said.
Mitchell has struggled with forming relationships, making his bond with his letter carrier a special one.
“I know how much he likes his Legos,” Badham said. “When I got home that night, I cried.”
Mitchell personalized the LLV replica with red and blue stripes and colored the Postal Service logo on the side. He also put a driver and cup of coffee in the front, and packages in the back.
“I thought it would be cool to build one,” said Mitchell, who liked his work so much he made another one for himself.
Badham has had the same route for eight years and looks forward to stopping at Mitchell’s home.
“I’ve had a special place in my heart for this little boy for a long time,” she said. “To me, he’s so adorable and so special and so kind and sweet.”