USPS has announced some of next year’s planned stamp releases.
The Postal Service has announced some of its planned stamps for 2019, including releases that honor poet Walt Whitman, entertainers Marvin Gaye and Gregory Hines, Post Office murals, and the nation’s scenic rivers.
Here’s what’s coming:
Hearts Blossom, the latest stamp in the Love series
Year of the Boar, the 12th and final stamp in the Celebrating Lunar New Year series
Gregory Hines, the 42nd stamp in the Black Heritage series
Cactus Flowers, a booklet of 20 stamps that feature 10 images
Alabama Statehood, which celebrates the state’s bicentennial
Marvin Gaye, a Music Icons stamp
USS Missouri, which honors the 75th anniversary of the battleship’s commissioning in June 1944
Post Office Murals, a pane of 10 stamps that feature five Great Depression-era murals
U.S. Flag, the latest stamp to honor the nation’s most recognizable symbol
Wild and Scenic Rivers, a pane of a dozen different designs
Walt Whitman, the 32nd stamp in the Literary Arts series
Frogs, a booklet of 20 stamps that showcase four designs
State and County Fairs, four se-tenant stamps that work together as a panorama and also as individual images
Woodstock, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the August 1969 music fair
Winter Berries, a booklet of 20 stamps that feature four designs
Joshua Tree, a Priority Mail stamp that depicts a desert scene
Bethesda Fountain, a Priority Mail Express stamp that commemorates one of the most iconic statues in New York City’s Central Park
Coral Reefs, four postcard stamps
California Dogface, the seventh nonmachineable butterfly stamp for use on irregularly sized envelopes
U.S. Flag Stamp Envelope, a stamped envelope
Additional stamps will be announced throughout 2019. The USPS news release has more information.
Hearts Blossom, the latest stamp in the Love series, features the word “Love” in cursive script below 12 colorful hearts.
Year of the Boar, the 12th and final stamp in the Celebrating Lunar New Year series, depicts several bright pink peach blossoms on a branch. The Year of the Boar begins Feb. 5, 2019, and ends Jan. 24, 2020.
The 42nd stamp in the Black Heritage series honors Gregory Hines (1946-2003), a versatile performer who danced, acted and sang on Broadway and in television and movies. The stamps features a 1988 photograph of Hines.
Cactus Flowers, a booklet of 20 stamps, depicts images of 10 cacti.
Alabama Statehood celebrates the bicentennial of the state, which joined the union Dec. 14, 1819. The stamp art is a photograph taken at sunset in Cheaha State Park.
A Music Icons stamp honoring Marvin Gaye (1939-1984) features a portrait of the influential performer. The portrait is inspired by historic photographs.
The USS Missouri stamp will celebrate the nation’s last battleship. The release will coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Missouri’s June 11, 1944, commissioning.
Post Office Murals, a pane of 10 stamps, features five different murals that were designed to add a touch of beauty to Post Office walls during the Great Depression. The murals included are “Kiowas Moving Camp” (1936), Anadarko, OK; “Mountains and Yucca” (1937), Deming, NM; “Antelope” (1939), Florence, CO; “Sugarloaf Mountain” (1940), Rockville, MD; and “Air Mail” (1941), Piggott, AR.
U.S. Flag features an image of a flag waving in the breeze at the end of the Navy Pier in Chicago.
Wild and Scenic Rivers, a pane of a dozen different designs that feature photographs representing the nation’s Wild and Scenic River System, which is comprised of more than 200 rivers and river segments.
The 32nd stamp in the Literary Arts series will honor Walt Whitman (1819-1892) and feature a portrait of the poet based on an 1869 photograph.
Frogs, four new stamps in a booklet of 20, feature digital illustrations of North American amphibians.
State and County Fairs, four se-tenant stamps, feature illustrations that work together as a panorama of fair activities. Each stamp also works as an individual picture.
Woodstock celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, which was held in the small farming community of Bethel, NY, in August 1969. The stamp art features the image of the dove from a 1969 concert poster and some of the poster’s words: “3 Days of Peace and Music.”
Winter Berries, a booklet of 20 stamps, features four highly detailed botanical portraits.
Joshua Tree, a Priority Mail stamp, depicts a common scene throughut much of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.
The Bethesda Fountain Priority Mail Express stamp commemorates one of the most iconic structures in New York City’s Central Park.
Each of the four Coral Reefs postcard stamps depicts a type of stony coarl, along with associated reef fish, in a highly stylized manner.
California Dogface will be the seventh nonmachineable butterfly stamp for use on irregularly sized envelopes, such as square greeting cards, invitations and announcements.
U.S. Flag Stamp Envelope features a graphic design of the flag.