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Off limits

Hatch Act education campaign continues

Candidate shaking hands
Running for federal office while working for USPS is a serious violation of the Hatch Act.

The Postal Service is continuing its Hatch Act education campaign.

The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property, or while inside a federal vehicle.

In a new message, USPS is highlighting the case of “John” — not his real name — an employee who ran for Congress.

Representatives from the Office of Special Counsel, which oversees enforcement of the Hatch Act; the Merit Systems Protection Board, a quasi-judicial agency; and an administrative law judge repeatedly explained to John that running for Congress while continuing to work for USPS was a serious violation of the Hatch Act.

John continued his electoral efforts despite these warnings and was eventually removed from the Postal Service.

USPS previously told employees about:

The Postal Service will highlight more examples this year.

The Ethics Blue page has more Hatch Act resources, including a Let’s Talk Politics!fact sheet. Employees who have questions can contact their local field law office or send an email to

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