To mark National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is once again reminding employees what to do in an “active shooter” situation.
USPS is not aware of any specific threats against the organization.
An active shooter is anyone who kills or attempts to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically using firearms. Active shooters can be anyone.
Individuals who find themselves in an active shooter situation should remember these guidelines:
• Call out. Communicate the threat to everyone by shouting, phoning and texting “Shooter in the building, escape now!” or “Active shooter, run!” Call 911 when it’s safe to do so.
• Get out. Have an escape route and plan that can accommodate people with disabilities. Leave your belongings behind. Keep your hands visible when law enforcement arrives. Don’t wait for approval to move quickly out of the area.
• Hide out. If you can’t escape, hide in an area out of the shooter’s sight. Lock doors and block entry to the hiding place. Silence cell phones and all electronics. When it’s safe, get out.
• Take out. If your life is in danger and you have no way to escape or hide, incapacitate or overpower the shooter by whatever means necessary as a last resort.
If you have questions about these guidelines, call the Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455.
The USPS National Preparedness site has tips for other emergencies, while the Employee Assistance Program site offers additional resources.