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TACS Help Desk, Link mobile updates

The Time and Attendance Collection System Help Desk will have new hours, beginning July 21.

Times are changing. The Postal Service is changing the hours for its Time and Attendance Collection System (TACS) Help Desk.

Beginning Saturday, July 21, the hours of operation will be from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Central time, Monday-Saturday. The TACS Help Desk is closed Sundays.

If you have questions after hours, call 855-411-8227 to leave a message or send an email to A TACS Help Desk agent or supervisor will respond within 24 hours.

Employees are also reminded that all PS Form 1723, Assignment Order, submissions should be entered and submitted through the TACS online application using the new PS 1723 module.

For more information, go to the Blue page and select TACS Help Desk under “Featured Topics.” Next, select “TACS 1723 Enhancement Training” under “TACS Training Modules.”

Mobile news. If you’re on the go, you can keep up with the latest Postal Service news with Link mobile, the site’s mobile-friendly version.

Link mobile offers the same content you receive when you read Link on a desktop computer, including news reports, benefits information and feature articles.

You can access the mobile site at, where you can also subscribe to weekly emails with the latest Link highlights.

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