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Need to know

Browser update, flag notice and more

Google Chrome browser on computer screen
Google Chrome will soon replace Mozilla Firefox as the alternate browser on many USPS computers.

Firefox farewell. Google Chrome will replace Mozilla Firefox as the alternate browser on all ACE 3 and USPS Next computers in early July.

When Google Chrome is installed, Mozilla Firefox will be removed and all bookmarks will be deleted. Before that happens, the Postal Service is encouraging employees to back up any saved bookmarks in Firefox before Google Chrome is installed.

Bookmark backup instructions for Firefox are available on Blue.

Employees with questions should email Information Technology Program Manager Casey Netherland.

Flag reminder. Flag Day, one of six days each year that Postal Service facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag, is Thursday, June 14.

For more information, refer to the Postal Service’s guidelines for U.S. flag display and maintenance, as well as the requirements for displaying the POW-MIA flag.

Are you Informed? Employees can sign up for Informed Delivery, a free feature that provides users with digital previews of their incoming mail, at Sign-up is voluntary.

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