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Need to know

Travel expenses, Postal Bulletin news

Per diem
USPS is changing requirements for travel card holders who seek per diem reimbursement payments

Travel notice. If you have a USPS travel card, you won’t be permitted to send per diem reimbursement payments to your card, effective April 13.

In the eTravel system, you’ll be required to select “Other” as the payment type for per diem reimbursements. This means payments for these expenses will be sent directly to you through your current reimbursement method in eTravel.

USPS is making the change, which applies to per diem expenses only, to help reduce the number of credits on travelers’ card accounts.

Postal Bulletin. The Postal Bulletin’s April 12 issue includes a communications plan for the 2018 elections.

Highlights: an overview of Election Mail and Political Mail, including guidelines for acceptance, processing and delivery, as well as a list of resources and other information.

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