Stan Coburn is having a week to remember.
Coburn, a retail associate at Northwood Station in Fort Wayne, IN, just marked the 50th year of his postal career.
To celebrate, the city declared Feb. 6 Stan Coburn Day, an event that prompted coverage by a local TV station and a tribute from U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, whose Indiana district includes Fort Wayne.
“Congratulations to Stan Coburn of Fort Wayne on 50 years with the United States Postal Service,” Banks tweeted this week. “Your work ethic is inspiring.”
Coburn can hardly believe it all.
“It’s funny they’re making such a big deal about it, and I’m flattered,” he said. “I suppose working for more than 50 years is a big deal, and it’s a chance to talk about the Postal Service and what we do.”
Coburn began his postal career in 1968, a few months before he was drafted and sent to Vietnam, where he served the Marines as a machine gunner in a helicopter unit.
He returned home a year later. “I stepped off the plane, and within two days I was back at the Post Office. It was like I had never left,” he said.
Through the years, Coburn has worked at every Post Office in the Fort Wayne area, accumulating 3,600 hours of sick leave along the way.
He’s also witnessed a lot of changes.
“When I started, everything was manual,” he said. “No one could imagine machines sorting the mail, but I am happy to have the technology nowadays, because I don’t think we would be able to handle the workload.”
Fort Wayne Postmaster Kathryn Harris said Coburn’s 50th anniversary is a big deal.
“Stan just epitomizes all that’s great about the Postal Service, and I thought that he should be recognized for his dedication and commitment,” she said.
Coburn appreciates the attention. He isn’t ready for retirement — yet.
“I do enjoy the work, and I feel healthy and young,” he said. “I think I’ll work another five years.”