Post Offices across the nation are bonding with future customers during the holidays.
In addition to Letters from Santa, a national initiative that allows children to mail notes to St. Nick and receive personalized responses, many Post Offices run their own local programs.
In Toluca, IL, Postmaster Jessica Heath welcomes children who want to mail letters to Santa with a special gift-wrapped mail slot in the lobby.
“We’re giving the kids a fun, local place to send and receive their Santa letters. It’s just a positive way for them to interact with the Post Office,” said Heath, who discretely returns the children’s letters to their parents for keepsakes.
Letters to Santa are also a priority in Royal Oak, MI, where a local school uses them to promote handwriting skills, then brings students to the Post Office to drop their notes in a special collection box.
Elsewhere, employees at the Fort Carson, CO, Post Office recently helped 400 children write and mail letters to Santa during a local holiday festival, while Jefferson City, MO, employees participated in a Send a Card Day event that allowed children to mail holiday wish lists and letters to military members who are overseas.
Other offices are sending employees to local schools.
In Columbia, LA, Postmaster Penny Thompson and Retail Associate Mika Mills recently visited local kindergarten classes, where each student received this year’s postal-themed coloring page.
The colored pages are now part of the Post Office’s holiday décor.
“It’s so nice to have the … beautiful artwork on display in the main lobby,” Thompson said.