The Postal Service is demonstrating its commitment to deliver world-class customer experiences by giving customers a stronger voice.
USPS is increasing the number of customer surveys included in the Customer Insights (CI) score, which is part of the National Performance Assessment (NPA). The goal: to better measure the Postal Service’s success in delivering excellent customer experiences.
“We’re making a bolder promise to our customers that we’re listening, and we care what they think of us,” said Chief Customer and Marketing Officer Jim Cochrane. “Customers are at the center of our business, and their opinions matter even more now.”
The improvements took effect Oct. 1, when the new fiscal year began. Here’s what’s new:
• Eight customer experience surveys will calculate the CI score, including Business Mail Entry Unit, large business panel and surveys.
• Survey design methods and metrics have been revised and standardized to address additional performance opportunities.
• The CI score “weight” accounts for 10 percent of the NPA corporate score, up from last year’s 5 percent.
The updates aim to provide a more complete view of business customer and consumer feedback on the Postal Service’s core business strategies.
Employees with questions about these changes can email Customer Insights at