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Steven Curtis, Jamesville, NY

Jamesville, NY, Rural Carrier Steven Curtis

Rural Carrier Steven Curtis was delivering mail recently in Jamesville, NY, when he spotted a customer in trouble.

The man was pushing a lawn mower that had tipped on its side as he struggled to keep it — and himself — from plunging into a deep ditch alongside the road.

Curtis rushed to assist the customer, helping him stabilize and turn off the lawn mower, then dragging it onto flat land.

When Curtis told the man he should get someone to mow near the ditch for him, he replied, “Well, I’ve got to keep busy. I’m 90 years old!”

The man thanked Curtis repeatedly, according to local Postmaster Joy Hotaling.

“The following day, the customer greeted him with three words: ‘There’s my lifesaver,’” she said.

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