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Josue Ramirez, Waipahu, HI

Hero Josue Ramirez
Waipahu, HI, Letter Carrier Josue Ramirez

Letter Carrier Josue Ramirez had just driven past a customer while delivering mail recently in Waipahu, HI, when he sensed trouble.

The woman was walking her bichon frise, and he noticed two stray pit bulls heading their way. Glancing in his rearview mirror, he saw the pit bulls about to attack.

The postal employee stopped, grabbed his dog repellant spray and ran toward the scene.

The pit bulls fled after Ramirez sprayed them, and he accompanied the woman and her dog back to their home.

As he returned to his postal vehicle, he heard a bystander yell for him to watch out, at which point one of the pit bulls was running back to attack him. Again, Ramirez repelled the dog with spray, and police were called.

The customer’s bichon frise is recovering from injuries sustained in the incident.

“She is so fond of her dog and appreciates the help Josue provided,” Postmaster Laurie Ramelb said.

The Postal Service recently observed National Dog Bite Prevention Week, highlighting safety risks for employees and tips for customers to prevent attacks.

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