A new video from the Denver Post tracks a package from order to delivery, demonstrating the Postal Service’s important role in online commerce.
The 3-minute segment begins with technology reporter Tamara Chuang ordering microwave popcorn from Quinn Snacks, a natural food company in Boulder, CO, that ships with USPS.
A Postal Service employee later collects the package from the company at 3 p.m.
Three hours later, the package is dropped off at a USPS sorting and distribution center in the Denver area where it’s processed and routed with thousands of other packages.
A scanner reads barcodes on the packages as they move along a conveyor belt. The sorter uses the scanned information to drop packages into specific bins for delivery.
At 5:30 a.m. the next day, the package is on its way to the Denver Post offices. The parcel arrives at Chuang’s desk at 11 a.m.
The video notes the Stapleton facility will process more than 10 million mailpieces a day during the holidays this year.
The video is available on the Denver Post’s site and YouTube. Some employees may be unable to watch external videos on postal computers.