Reminder: If you need to report an online security incident, contact the Postal Service’s CyberSecurity Operations Center (CSOC).
The CSOC investigates and monitors cybersecurity threats to USPS computer systems. Eighty-four percent of these threats are identified and reported by postal employees.
The CSOC combats cybersecurity threats in three phases:
- Detection: Once a threat is detected, the CSOC manages the response and provides immediate support to mitigate the short-term effect.
- Intelligence: The CSOC analyzes how the threat began and what remediation techniques worked well. By using advanced “hunting” techniques, the CSOC identifies “indicators of compromise,” which are signs that a computer has been compromised.
- Response: The CSOC reviews forensic data related to the incident and recommends steps to prevent reoccurrences.
To report cybersecurity incidents, email the CSOC.
The CyberSafe at USPS Blue site has additional guidelines, including an informational sheet titled “The Right Way to Report Phishing Incidents.”