USPS is on track to generate almost $1 million in new estimated revenue this year through a first-of-its-kind alliance between Supply Management and Small Business Sales.
The two departments are jointly participating in events that target diverse small businesses, including minority, women and veteran-owned companies that want to do business with federal agencies.
Supply Management benefits from these events because they allow attendees to learn how they can become a Postal Service supplier.
The forums offer Small Business Sales an avenue to show entrepreneurs how they can use USPS products to grow their businesses.
“These are immediate, positive conversations,” said Rupert Warner Jr., supplier diversity program manager. “Small businesses get to learn about USPS needs and how they might be able to sell their products or services to us.”
The collaboration is part of the Postal Service’s overall supplier outreach program, which also includes workshops, seminars and trade shows.
So far this year, the joint effort has resulted in an estimated return over 10 times the organization’s initial investment, according to Melissa Brazington, a senior sales small-business program specialist.
“Small business isn’t small anymore,” Brazington said. “This joint endeavor to show small businesses how to do business with USPS has been an unmitigated success.”