Design guide issued for USPS digital content

Design guide issued for USPS digital content
Agency withdraws lockout notice
Course completion deadline approaches
Crabb, Graves named to new roles
Districts promote international services
New TV ad highlights business deliveries
Employee, wife race into record books
New stamps revive fond memories
Fly flags at half-staff through July 12
Latest issue highlights passports
Employee has big role in civic festival
Contract carrier enjoys unusual route
Employees help president celebrate parks
Employee contest now underway
USPS displays Political Mail’s power
Employees help re-create Pony Express
Western, Dakotas continue to lead
USPS continues to monitor potential strike
‘Ransomware’ holds data hostage
Songbirds stamps to be issued in Portland, OR
Postal Employees’ Relief Fund, EAP offer aid
Card users prefer mailed statements, poll finds
Executive had 21 years with USPS
Press praises retiring Indianapolis employee
Grammy Award maker sings Postal Service’s praises
West Virginia floods affect Post Offices, employees
CyberSafe at USPS advice offered