Randy S. Miskanic, chief information security officer and Digital Solutions vice president, retired June 30 after 21 years with the Postal Service.
Miskanic began his career as a postal inspector in 1995. He later became deputy chief inspector and spearheaded an initiative that seized more than $1 billion in counterfeit financial instruments that could have exposed thousands of customers to fraud.
After the anthrax crisis in 2001, Miskanic developed the Inspection Service’s response to hazardous items discovered in the mail. He also helped lead the Postal Service’s response to the 2014 cyber intrusion.
In his Digital Solutions role, Miskanic helped align the Postal Service’s innovation strategy with customer demand for secure digital communications. Additionally, Miskanic served as acting chief information officer from May 2015-April 2016.
“Randy demonstrated exceptional leadership and a steadfast dedication to his employees, the Postal Inspection Service and the Postal Service,” said PMG Megan J. Brennan.