Sarah Fugate of De Soto, KS, had a memorable 20th birthday recently, with some help from the Postal Service.
Sarah, who has autism, enjoys playing with dolls and opening the mail. For her birthday, her mother posted a request on Facebook, asking friends and family to send birthday letters.
More than 300 letters arrived from around the world.
De Soto Post Office employees hosted a birthday party for Fugate where she received a doll, a signed birthday card and her favorite, red velvet cake.
“This is the most special birthday ever – except for the first one because they told us we would never have a first one,” said Fugate’s mother, Andra. “So for it to be 20 is pretty awesome,” she told a local TV station.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback and senators Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran also mailed letters.
”Dear Sarah, congrats on celebrating your 20th birthday,” Moran’s letter read.
“Pretty cool,” Sarah said. “Thank you for every card and present you got me. I really appreciate it.”