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Service redirects shipments before delivery

USPS Package Intercept allows customers to redirect shipments before delivery.
USPS Package Intercept allows customers to redirect shipments before delivery.

Reminder: The Postal Service can help businesses and consumers redirect shipments before delivery through USPS Package Intercept.

The service allows mailers to request a shipment be held for pickup at a Post Office, redirected to a different domestic address or returned to sender.

“Our Package Intercept service saves the day when mailers need to suddenly redirect their shipments,” VP New Products and Innovation Gary Reblin said.

The service is available for consumers on and commercial customers on the Business Customer Gateway site.

USPS Package Intercept, a domestic service, is not available for international mailpieces.

The service is also not available for mailpieces that measure more than 108 inches or mailpieces that indicate surface-only transportation.

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