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Good news

Employees praise Link mobile

Buffalo, NY, Letter Carrier Frank Franklin likes Link mobile’s bite-sized news reports.

Postal Service employees are applauding Link mobile, saying the site helps them keep up with news about USPS.

The mobile-friendly version of the Link site allows employees to consume news articles, videos and feature stories on their smartphones and tablets.

“The stories are quick reads but interesting,” said Buffalo, NY, Letter Carrier Frank Franklin. “It allows me to keep updated on what’s going on. Though I only signed up recently, what I’ve seen so far is relevant.”

Link mobile is available for employees who don’t have access to ACE computers. Since its March debut, more than 11,000 subscribers have signed up to receive weekly emails featuring highlights from the site.

Employees can subscribe by going to and providing a personal or work email address.

Krystal Morris, a Detroit District secretary, appreciates the ability to catch up with USPS news when she’s on the go.

Link mobile provides good information that keeps me in the know when I’m off the clock,” she said. “It says to me the Postal Service is thinking about my needs as an individual and not just as an employee.”

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