May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, an annual celebration of the culture and contribution of Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.
This year’s theme is “Walk Together, Embrace Differences, Build Legacies,” representing three guiding principles for promoting inclusion and diversity.
The theme was chosen by the Federal Asian Pacific American Council, a nonprofit organization that represents Asian Pacific American employees in the federal government.
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month is held in May because the month includes two important dates.
The nation’s first Japanese immigrants arrived May 7, 1843, and the transcontinental railroad was completed May 10, 1869. The railroad was built mostly by Chinese immigrant laborers.
The Postal Service includes almost 50,000 employees who identify as Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders, representing 7.9 percent of all career and non-career employees.
The Blue Multicultural Resources site has more information, including an Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month resource kit.