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Celebrating diversity

Multicultural Awareness Day to be held April 6

Facilities are encouraged to hold Multicultural Awareness Day activities April 6.

USPS will soon introduce Multicultural Awareness Day, a national effort to celebrate employee diversity and inclusive postal workplaces.

Facilities in all areas and districts are encouraged to participate in the event, which is slated for Wednesday, April 6.

“The Postal Service celebrates the rich diversity of its workforce,” said PMG Megan J. Brennan. “Our employees bring a variety of viewpoints and experiences to our organization, and tapping everyone’s unique qualities can help us drive growth, spur innovation and sharpen our competitive advantage.”

A Multicultural Awareness Day pilot was recently held at headquarters in Washington, DC.

The event highlighted the diverse experiences and cultures of postal employees through literature, artifacts, food, music and demonstrations. Images from the event are available on Blue.

Facilities interested in hosting Multicultural Awareness Day activities should email the Diversity and Talent Acquisition team at askd&

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