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Snow problem at all

CBS News highlights South Dakota carrier’s dedication

Sioux Falls, SD, Letter Carrier Don Shea
Sioux Falls, SD, Letter Carrier Don Shea. Photo: Argus Leader

Sioux Falls, SD, Letter Carrier Don Shea was busy delivering mail Nov. 30 when a photographer for the Argus Leader newspaper snapped his picture.

Shea usually doesn’t receive such attention while on his route, but Sioux Falls was in the midst of a record-setting winter storm.

The image of a dedicated letter carrier making his appointed rounds during a blizzard caught the attention of “CBS Evening News” anchor Scott Pelley, who included Shea in a Dec. 3 broadcast.

“I love it out here,” Shea says in the report. “You put it to the test — rain, sleet or snow — out here in South Dakota.”

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