Employees who want to advance their postal careers can receive help from an organization with a long history of professional development services.
African-American Postal League United for Success (A-PLUS) offers training, mentoring, networking opportunities and more. The organization, founded in 1987, makes its programs available to everyone.
“A-PLUS mentors, coaches and supports those who seek career growth. … It’s not just for African-Americans. It’s for all postal employees,” said Snellville, GA, Postmaster Theophane Best, who is president of A-PLUS’s Atlanta chapter.
The chapter recently held a “jump start” career session at the North Metro P&DC, where about 70 Atlanta District employees received advice. Attendees prepared eCareer profiles, participated in mock interviews and learned interviewing techniques.
“They gave us tips for different types of interviewing situations like one-on-one, telephone and panel interviews,” said Atlanta Mail Processing Clerk Antaleta Chandler. “It was the type of training that I know I can use to enhance my career.”
A-PLUS wants to help the Postal Service prepare its next generation of leaders, Best said.
“We have Postmaster, supervisor and administrative positions available and we want to help employees get ready,” she said.